sound off


It's been brought to my attention by one person (perhaps the only brave one, perhaps not) that my blog is hard to read. I've also had two professional web designers tell me, unsolicited, that it looks great. Some things are a matter of preference...I prefer clean and sharp and crisp (I tune my stereo speakers the same way)...and very symetrical. I am a type A like that in just about everything.

But if people are getting headaches or tuning out because it's painful or frustrating (we have enough of that these days, I don't blame them) then something has to be done about this. I never wanted allot of bells and whistles, just enough to serve a function and be a little fun at times. So I'm asking...if you see anything that needs improvement, PLEASE tell me. I only ask that you back it up with a solution or how to implement it. I started out just about 4 months ago knowing absolutely my learning curve is pretty wide open...and considering the acumen I started with I know it's not too shabby, but I ventured into this almost 50% as a learning experience. so have at it....

but be prepared to bring with you a solution to the complaint and don't expect me to implement each and every suggestion. Remember, this is about readability, not personal design!

Hmm... Sounds like Pearcy shares the same disorder as Ward Churchill. ...and Angela Davis -- but that's a different story.

A discussion arose in Digger's comments about the meaning of taking responsibility for one's 'free speech." How does one 'take responsibility for' what one says? How does one hold someone else 'responsible' for what that person has said?

... in a civilized manner.

Readers without blogs and or MT/HTML skills are given a pass on all but their honest opinion.