Me, me, me

Since all blogging comes down to vanity in one form or another, I am happy to announce that today is a celebration of all things me. Forget all of those other (and this) informative and well-written sites. It's Saturday, nothing is happening, so we shall celebrate me.

Why? That is obviously the question SEARED, SEARED in your mind right now. I thought you'd never ask.

Three years ago today, the internet underwent a revolution that generated all the buzz of a military coup in Togo. I began to blog. I know, they could have just thrown the switch and shut down the web on that day. Everyone's life suddenly became complete. Nothing else needed to be said.

You may now journey here and praise all things me. Punch and cookies will be served later this afternoon. (Hurry, before the Headmistress deletes this entry. Jealousy is an ugly thing)

Tastefulness update

For the record, I thought of beating Democratic Underground to the punch and photoshopping the Condi picture with a swastika armband and deathshead brooch, but getting Sondra banned in seventeen countries would probably be a bad thing.

You can thank my mother for raising me correctly.