Finish your homework

Take Back Our Bike Right Turn Lanes!

JR - you are my hee-row! Lead On!

Ahhhh, bikers... Not those furry, leather clad road warriors on their full-throated hogs. The other kind -- the ones who ride around with their butts in the air, daring us "lower life forms" to sniff it. Spandex pants a-shine, pointy little helmets protecting pointy little heads, clackity shoes impossible to walk in. [and this from a woman whose favorite summer sandals were Candies -- you know, Barbie shoes. I could sprint across an open field in those...

ahhhh - good times. But I digress...]

There is a road around here I take with great regularity. It parallels the main road into town but verrry few like to use it, which is why it's my fave. It's narrow and winding hanging onto a hillside for at least 2 miles. To the right a creek waaaay down there -- to the left sheered off , straight vertical dirt and rocks. Lotsa rocks. The lanes are the absolute minimum width carved as they are out of a dam-steep hill.

One merry day I'm driving to town . . .


Seems to be a wee bit of excitement today in my old hometown.

Update! Well, this may be incredibly good news. When I was growing up, our own personal bogeyman was a local serial killer called BTK. He apparently stopped killing in the early eighties, after at least eight (truly grisly) murders, but started communicating with the media again last year. Right now, the Wichita police, the FBI, etc. have arrested and are talking to a "person of interest".

Update II This gets better and better. The person in custody, I have a name now but won't be that irresponsible, is a city government worker, married with grown ren and apparently very active in his church. They're questioning his whole family, and I would assume, everyone else that knows him. CNN (TV) is covering it heavily.

Since I'm sure that Sondra doesn't want this to become BTK Troll Central, I'm moving the updates to my own place, over here.
