A soldier's angels

The Kerry Swift boat story reminds me more each day of the Clinton impeachment hearings, with obvious truths turned on their heads by media desperate to save that wretched man. In Self-Inflicted, Patrick Hynes argues that at issue now is whether Putz Kerry has mishandled the story.

"For example, by the time the Kerry campaign launched its counterattack against the Vets, the New York Times had run only three stories on the controversy, all of which can reasonably be said to have been sympathetic to the Senator. But since August 17th, when the pro-Kerry 527 group MoveOn.org launched an attack against the Vets, the Times has written ten stories, all of which detailed the charges against Kerry, even if they hinted they found those charges unconvincing."

Well, of course he has mismanaged. He has mismanaged every aspect of his campaign. His nauseatingly repetitious references to 4 months in Vietnam made him a laughing stock. His sports photo-op of the day made him a caricature of himself. And, Botox. And, chronic flip-floppery. And, Teresa the mouth. The guy makes Dukakis look like a freaking mastermind. No, the story is not whether Kerry has mishandled everything ... EVERYTHING!, it's can his succubus media save his sorry ass?

There is an upside to all this. My personal self esteem is at record high. And, why not? I know positively that I am way, way smarter than half the peeps in this country. Way. That's good for me.

The response to Cousin Joe's request to get the word out in hehalf of SSG Michele Mitchell has been utterly overwhelming. In all sense of the word. Just a few hours of posting Monday morning, I returned to hundreds of e-mails requesting her address in the burn center, hundreds, and they just kept coming...

From folks gathering up a classroom of 3rd graders to draw pictures, sending books, even offers to host Cousin Joe for dinner when he arrives in Texas!

I had planned on printing out the comments of good cheer and well wishes to insert in her card that I have ready to go. Instead, there's about 65 so far and I will be printing them out to insert into a book which I will send with the card. I heard from people all over the word and I wouldn't be surprised to see her hit that one million mark, thanks to all my pals helping to spread the word!

Although I plan to keep the comments open forever on this (thay've made me weep...it's been quite a week) and will continue to reply to any request for more information, at the end of the week end I will have to get this all together and into the mail. So if anyone wants to drop her a note in the comments, you have a couple more days. And feel free to contact me for the address.

Joe said he'll be there Sunday to visit her and will send me an update.

I'll pass it on when I get it.

Joe is so grateful and I cannot even begin to express the gratitude for the outpouring support you've all shown this soldier. In light of current events, I'm sure it's had an impact that is immeasurable. I know it has for me.

Technically, you're all soldier's angels.